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[作文] sun3may托福作文练习 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-1-11 14:25:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 sun3may 于 2011-1-17 22:49 编辑

A job with more vacation time is better than a job with high salary but less vacation time.

I am convinced that a job with plenty vacations overweighs the one which offers less vacations, since more vacations contribute to individuals, the companies, and the whole society.

Initially, one issue makes me support jobs with more vacations is that people need more leisure time to keep them healthy, both physically and mentally. A recent investigation indicates that in our country, most staffs working in both companies and government institutions are enduring the gastric disease. As supplied deficient vacations, they always feel so tense everyday to complete strenuous tasks, without having their meals on time. Moreover, nowadays we always heard a large number of people complain about their problems of health, stemming from the high pressure from work. As a result, anxiety, insomnia are responsible for the family quarrels and misunderstanding, which is negative to people's mental health. More vacations, which is beneficial to our health, means more leisure time to relax, and more chances to get refreshed after heavy work.

To back up my point of view, it could be relevant to include another factor that jobs with more vacations bring benefits to the company. Although high salary really works in enhancing the efficiency of working, more vacations can reduce the lasting pressure and tension of staffs. Hence, after people spend their vacations, it is easier for them to get engaged in jobs with passion and wise ideas. As a result, company can achieve more profits because of their staffs’ efficiency. To plus, more vacations means more concerns about the staffs, so the company offering more vacations would won trust and fame among the society, and people would prefer to chose that sort of companies. For instance, in a national report, the most popular companies, namely Johnson & Johnson, P&G, are those which care more about their staffs, supplying more vacations, bonus, and so on.

An equally essential factor which deserves people’s attention is that jobs with more vacations would play an important role to keep the society in harmony. Imagine if people are well paid without enjoying enough vacations to refresh themselves, they would easily feel tiered and distressed. Therefore it is less outlets that they could place their negative emotions in. Unfortunately, people may fight or hurt others to express their distress and angers arising from working.
Today in many news report convince us that some crimes may be owing to unbearable pressure from jobs which always has offering few vacations, no matter how high the criminal are paid.

In conclusion, it is utmost necessity of jobs with more vacations, comparing with ones which offer a large number of money and less vacations. In the absence of vacations people can hardly achieve a healthy life. Further, jobs with more vacations help to raise the benefits of the companies, and the whole society’s harmony are bound to the jobs offering more vacations.
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hycqy + 5 加油!

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寄托兑换店纪念章 Pisces双鱼座 满3年在任版主 寄托优秀版主 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance 枫华正茂 枫情万种 一帆枫顺   枫华绝代 US-applicant

发表于 2011-1-11 15:03:11 |只看该作者
up一下 加油啊!

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-1-17 20:31:46 |只看该作者

独立作文:Do you prefer to finish a project completely then to start another one or to do several projects at a time?

Many people are convinced that doing couples of projects at a time is more advisable than just coping with only one project after finishing another. However I argue that it is sensible to concentrate on dealing with one item, before we turn to the next.  
Initially, one issue which makes me support this is that taking on e thing at one time, we could attain high efficiency. As is kwon, the energy and time one human owns is limited, therefore, no matter how tough the project is, concentration on the project supply the chance to utilize our energy and time efficiently. Take for my course choices for instance. When I was a freshmen in my University, I pick up several courses, including maths, economics, politics, and even history. In order to express my passion for knowledge, I also applied for a club training reading skills and another one called "Poet Group". Unfortunately, after few days busy with both my piles of homework and frequent activities of the reading club. As a result, feeling so tired, though I could never have an entire weekend to relax myself, I fail to get high marks in all the attended courses. Indeed, one can hardly cope with everything rightly and perfectly, but we can make the efficiency high, with taking one issue at one time.

To back up my point of view, it could be relevant to include another factor that we could learn more, dealing only one project at a time. For a doctor, their concentration is needed for every single patient to figure out the cause of the uncomforting, and to help them get rid of diseases. Though in some countries, because of the scanty of doctors, it may occur that several persons share one doctor; however, doctors can never learn more about the symptoms of the patients and solutions to release pains. Therefore, dealing one project at one time gives us more information, especially in searching solutions.

Adding further credibility to my argument is that completing one project before start to take another could reduce the probability of mistakes. As a proverb goes, you can never abstain all the delicacies in the world. Handling several projects at one time maybe make us feel ourselves powerful and flexible, whereas, chances for mistakes are increased, due to our own intelligent limits. No one can claim that he could always solve any problem, so it is impossible for us common people to keep smart enough at any time. In a word, mistakes are unavoidable, and just one project under finishing means fewer probabilities to make a mistakes.

In summary, it is wiser to deal with a project after finish the last one actually, for that brings us high efficiency, more information and fewer probabilities of mistakes.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-1-17 20:33:13 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sun3may 于 2011-1-17 20:43 编辑

The lecture completely retorts the points of views illustrated in the article as the instructor presented.

The first point that the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is four-day workweek would cost the company more money instead of reduce expendisure stemming from the costs of more staffs and computers. While, the reading argue that four-day workweek enable companies to spend less, because workers who just work four days would make fewer errors and feel relaxed, as a result, companies could decrease their daily costs.

Another point that the lecture uses to counteract the reading concerns is that four-day workweek failed to advance the economy, considering that four-day workweek contributes to increase the probability of working overtime, and it would raise unemployment of the whole society. However, the author claims that a four-day work week policy would bring benefits to the economy, because workers can enjoy more chances to obtain a job and have more time to refresh themselves.

The professor also indicates that four-day workweek does not mean more free time; instead, working just four days would be responsible for the reduction of their life quality. Unfortunately, workers would suffer more rigid perform management in the company. This is incompatible with the reading whose suggestion is that four-day workweek offer more leisure time for workers to spend with their families, or going out for some activities, which contribute for a high life quality.

那个,暂时还米有学会传附件的说。。。不好意思啦= =

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Cancer巨蟹座 荣誉版主 Sub luck

发表于 2011-1-18 00:29:37 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-18 15:35:04 |只看该作者
咱定个题目大家一起写 改怎么样 也在准备作文

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-18 21:21:49 |只看该作者
Many people are convinced that doing couples of projects at a time is more advisable than just coping with only one project after finishing another. However I argue that it is sensible to concentrate on dealing with one item, before we turn to the next.  .

Initially, one issue which makes me support this is that taking on a thing at one time, we could attain high efficiency. As is kwon, the energy and time one human owns is limited, therefore, no matter how tough the project is, concentration on the project supply the chance to utilize our energy and time efficiently. Take for(去掉) my course choices for instance. When I was a freshmen in my University, I pick up several courses, including maths(math), economics, politics, and even history. In order to express my passion for knowledge, I also applied for a club training reading skills and another one called "Poet Group". Unfortunately, after few days busy with both my piles of homework and frequent activities of the reading club.(后面应该还有句子吧) As a result, feeling so tired, though I could never have an entire weekend to relax myself, I fail to get high marks in all the attended courses. Indeed, one can hardly cope with everything rightly and perfectly, but we can make the efficiency high, with taking one issue at one time.

To back up my point of view, it could be relevant to include another factor that we could learn more, dealing only one project at a time. For a doctor, their concentration is needed for every single patient to figure out the cause of the uncomforting(discomfort), and to help them get rid of diseases. Though in some countries, because of the scanty(deficiency) of doctors, it may occur that several persons share one doctor; however, doctors can never learn more about the symptoms of the patients and solutions to release pains. Therefore, dealing one project at one time gives us more information, especially in searching solutions..
Adding further credibility to my argument is that completing one project before start to take another could reduce the probability of mistakes. As a proverb goes, you can never abstain(obtain)  all the delicacies in the world. Handling several projects at one time maybe make us feel ourselves powerful and flexible, whereas, chances for mistakes are increased, due to our own intelligent limits. No one can claim that he could always solve any problem, so it is impossible for us common people to keep smart enough at any time. In a word, mistakes are unavoidable, and just one project under finishing means fewer probabilities to make a mistakes.
In summary, it is wiser to deal with a project after finish the last one actually, for that brings us high efficiency, more information and fewer probabilities of mistakes.
写的不错。层次清晰例子也贴切。 语气也很流畅,稍微注意一下词性就好了 加油哦

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发表于 2011-1-19 17:07:27 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The ability of writing and reading is less important than before.

When it comes to the issue that for us, nowadays both writing and reading skills are not as crucial as in the past, I certainly argue that those skills would not be obsolete and useless. Moreover, the ability to write and read still plays an essential role in our lives, without which we cannot learn about the past, the current, and the future.

Initially, one factor come to support my point of view is that with writing and reading skills, it is possible for us to learn about the past, which I mean, the history. As is known, archeologists contribute their efforts to unveil some miseries in the history, such as the epoch a country was found, and the accurate identification of a delicate antique. No on e could deny that the procedure of the archeologists' discoveries need their supreme skills including reading the obscure characters on stones, and writing a concrete, justified and well-organized report to the public about their founding. Therefore, it is the writing and reading abilities that enable us to learn about our history.

To back up my argument, it is relevant to include another factor that both the writing and reading skills are needed for us in obtaining the current information, making us knowledgeable about how our world is now. Though someone insist that, writing and reading abilities are no more useful due to the boom of the digital revolution, I argue that in this digital age, we are required to know how to write words and how to reading them, because even before the computer screen, if you want to search some information about the current, the first thing is to type the "key words", which is relevant to your writing skill. After a few seconds, you may get a large number of articles fitting your needs, at next, it is reading skill that enable you to collect articles from the searching results. Without skills to write and read, we would hardly learn more about the resent world, taking all the characters in articles, newspapers as just piles of silent symbolic.

Adding further credibility to my argument is that abilities to write and read enable us to learn about the future. For most scientists, the radical part of their work is presumption. As a proverb goes, the past pave the way for the future. Scientists would write papers about their new finding, indicating rules of both nature and our human society. Consequently, learning those theories after reading give us the probability to predict in certain fields, such as in stuck markets, climate changes, and even human behaviors. Clearly, Writing and reading skills bring us the opportunity to learn more about our future.

In conclusion, living in a digital life, the time which we actually write with a pen and reading books may be increasingly shortened, however, the ability to read and writing could would essential, because we still mostly utilize characters in recording information. Without the ability to write and read, barely can we learn about the past, now, and the future.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-1-20 09:58:00 |只看该作者
When it comes to the issue that for us, nowadays both writing and reading skills are not as crucial as in the past, I certainly argue that those skills would not be obsolete and useless. 这里说的不太好。因为题目说的是less important,而不是completely not important.not obsolete and useless 也可以是less important. Moreover, the ability to write and read still plays an essential role in our lives, without which we cannot learn about the past, the current, and the future.8 k4 m7 j9 x. e/ X$ E
5 t' h: E! Q$ _* `8 L! e
Initially, one factor come to support my point of view is that with writing and reading skills, it is possible for us to learn about the past, which I mean, the history. As is known, archeologists contribute their efforts to unveil some miseries in the history, such as the epoch a country was found, and the accurate identification of a delicate antique. No on e could deny that the procedure of the archeologists' discoveries need their supreme skills including reading the obscure characters on stones, and writing a concrete, justified and well-organized report to the public about their founding. Therefore, it is the writing and reading abilities that enable us to learn about our history.这一段貌似有偏离问题的嫌疑。只是讲了reading and writing skills 的作用,但是没有牵扯到more/less important than before

3 |' p" R7 }! J9 c9 I' H& K6 ~To back up my argument, it is relevant to include another factor that both the writing and reading skills are needed for us in obtaining the current information, making us knowledgeable about how our world is now. Though someone insist that, writing and reading abilities are no more useful due to the boom of the digital revolution, I argue that in this digital age, we are required to know how to write words and how to reading them, because even before the computer screen, 这个句子结构好像有点问题,if you want to search some information about the current, the first thing is to type the "key words", which is relevant to your writing skill.(小意见:writing skill我觉得更侧重写作能力,这个例子好像是spelling skill) After a few seconds, you may get a large number of articles fitting your needs, at next, it is reading skill that enable you to collect articles from the searching results. Without skills to write and read, we would hardly learn more about the resent world, taking all the characters in articles, newspapers as just piles of silent symbolic.
; y0 n. e. C+ ?( g7 \* T6 M3 Z9 J1 J9 b- [" C/ p3 e
Adding further credibility to my argument is that abilities to write and read enable us to learn about the future. For most scientists, the radical part of their work is presumption. As a proverb goes, the past pave the way for the future. Scientists would write papers about their new finding, indicating rules of both nature and our human society. Consequently, learning those theories after reading give us the probability to predict in certain fields, such as in stuck markets, climate changes, and even human behaviors. Clearly, Writing and reading skills bring us the opportunity to learn more about our future.7 u# _3 v; g' F

( N# Q0 L/ D* A. {3 j2 W+ T/ H4 xIn conclusion, living in a digital life, the time which we actually write with a pen and reading books may be increasingly shortened, however, the ability to read and writing could would essential, because we still mostly utilize characters in recording information. Without the ability to write and read, barely can we learn about the past, now, and the future.

文章的整体没什么大问题,但是我觉得论证的时候最好能够体现出than before来,不然有跑题嫌疑

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发表于 2011-1-24 17:16:10 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Visiting museums is the best way to learn a country?

As far as I am concerned, visits to museums are prior when we have curiosity for a country. Indeed, during the process of visits, we could learn a large amount of knowledge about the country's history, culture and also the people.

Initially, the first factor come into my mind is that visiting museums enables us to learn about history of a country. When we walk down the path of the museum, number of antique collections are exhibited, representing the historical scene or show us when was the country formed, how is the life of people dwelling in the country, and what they produced and created. Efficiently, without reading quantity of papers, we can have both a large version and details about the country's history.

To back up my point of view, it is relevant to include another factor that taking a visit to the museum not only brings us much knowledge of the country's past, but also presents the culture vividly. Though someone indicates that culture is difficult to be understood and hard to be presented, I argue that with the help of museums, we could show everyone that culture could be articulate and vivid. Take the national museum of my country for an instance, the staffs there set the exhibition into different part in various ways. To present the beauty of my country's splendid landscape, a huge Led screen is utilized to show the audience what the scene of my country is really like, from the west to the east, the lowest and the highest. At the meanwhile, a group of young musicians are employed to play both the tradition and the present popular music in the country, showing the audiences the music culture of our own.

Adding further credibility to my argument is that the process of visiting a museum is also a process of learning about the local people, during which we could observe, listen and talk to them. Due to the visitors are involved in a environment with lot of folks in the museum, including the staffs of the museum and the audiences coming from the country. As one proverb goes, Observation is the best way to learn from others. Through observation of the local people, we can know their behavior habits, including their accents, gestures, as well as the preference. Additionally, when we listen and talk to them, we can learn about their language, which plays a essential role in their culture. As is known, listening and talking to the local people could largely advance our process of obtaining one foreign language, which is beneficial to improve our understanding of the culture of the country.

In summary, taking a visit to museum is the most advisable way to learn a country, through which we can achieve to learn about the history, culture and the people of the country.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-1-24 23:33:39 |只看该作者

RE: sun3may托福作文练习

As far as I am concerned, visits to museums are prior when we have curiosity for a country. Indeed, during the process of visits, we could learn a large amount of knowledge about the country's history, culture and also the people.

Initially, the first factor come into my mind is that visiting museums enables us to learn about history of a country. When we walk down the path of the museum, number of antique collections are exhibited, representing the historical scene or show us when was the country formed, how is the life of people dwelling in the country(此处的单复数), and what they produced and created. Efficiently, without reading quantity of papers, we can have both a large version and details about the country's history. (不是很明白)

To back up my point of view, it is relevant to include another factor that taking a visit to the museum not only brings us much knowledge of the country's past, but also presents the culture vividly.(好!) Though someone indicates that culture is difficult to be understood and hard to be presented, I argue that with the help of museums, we could show everyone that culture could be articulate and vivid. Take the national museum of my country for an instance, the staffs there set the exhibition into different part in various ways. To present the beauty of my country's splendid landscape, a huge Led screen is utilized to show the audience what the scene of my country is really like, from the west to the east, the lowest and the highest. At the meanwhile(貌似就是meanwhile?希望查下), a group of young musicians are employed to play both the tradition and the present popular music in the country, showing the audiences the music culture of our own
Adding further credibility to my argument is that the process of visiting a museum is also a process of learning about the local people, during which we could observe, listen and talk to them. Due to the visitors are involved in a environment with lot of folks in the museum, including the staffs of the museum and the audiences coming from the country.(这句话的语法结构不是很明白) As one proverb goes, Observation is the best way to learn from others. Through observation of the local people, we can know their behavior habits, including their accents, gestures, as well as the preference. Additionally, when we listen and talk to them, we can learn about their language, which plays a essential role in their culture. As is known, listening and talking to the local people could largely advance our process of obtaining one foreign language, which is beneficial to improve our understanding of the culture of the country.

In summary, taking a visit to museum is the most advisable way to learn a country, through which we can achieve to learn about the history, culture and the people of the country.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-1-25 15:53:10 |只看该作者
TPO-2 综合~
The speaker completely disapprove of the points of views illustrated in the passage as the speaker presented in the lecture, a team has many disadvantages in company work, on the contrary, the author of the reading insists that working with a team brings lot of benefits.

Initially, the professor use to cast doubt on the reading, indicating that though some one in the team would not get involved in the work, unfairly, some diligent people may complete most of the project. However, in the reading, the author argues that all members in the team would get engaged in the project with their expertise and knowledge.

Another point that the lecture uses to counteract the reading concerns that a team failed to offer every member to be recognized after the work done , because names of all members can hardly be showed, instead, people just know the project is the outcome of the whole team's efforts. This is incompatible with the article's points that teamwork enables members to shine and to get well-known, encouraging the contribution from all members.

The professor also indicates that instead of completing projects quickly, working with a team always means a period of time spent on various conferences, discussing about how to do with the work. While, the author of the reading claims that members can solve the problems in the projects quickly with the assistance of other members of team.

In conclusion, the points in the lecture opposes what is presented in the reading, the disadvantages of being a team which the professor demonstrated  indicate that advantages to create a team when coping with a project are certainly in doubt.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-25 17:55:56 |只看该作者
10# sun3may
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Rank: 4

发表于 2011-1-26 14:23:03 |只看该作者
The speaker completely disapprove of the points of views illustrated in the passage as the speaker presented in the lecture, a team has many disadvantages in company work, on the contrary, the author of the reading insists that working with a team brings lot of benefits.
" j1 Z( _6 F6 t3 x* M% b0 }" T. x
Initially, the professor use (是我底子不好么?不应该是use what)to cast doubt on the reading, indicating that though some one in the team would not get involved in the work, unfairly, some diligent people may complete most of the project. However, in the reading, the author argues that all members in the team would get engaged in the project with their expertise and knowledge.

Another point that the lecture uses to counteract the reading concerns that a team failed to offer every member to be recognized after the work done , because names of all members can hardly be showed, instead, people just know the project is the outcome of the whole team's efforts. This is incompatible with the article's points that teamwork enables members to shine and to get well-known, encouraging the contribution from all members.

(我觉得这里加个连接词比较好)The professor also indicates that instead of completing projects quickly, working with a team always means a period of time spent on various conferences, discussing about how to do with the work. While, the author of the reading claims that members can solve the problems in the projects quickly with the assistance of other members of team.

In conclusion, the points in the lecture opposes what is presented in the reading, the disadvantages of being a team which the professor demonstrated  indicate that advantages to create a team when coping with a project are certainly in doubt.(为甚我觉得最后一段有点乱。)


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-1-26 19:45:18 |只看该作者

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Some scientists are responsible for the negative impacts that made by their discoveries.

When it comes to the issue that scientists have responsibility for some negative effects posed by their founding, I am convinced that it is scientists who should be blamed mostly if their theories brought unpleasant result like disasters or panics to us.  
Initially, the foremost factor coming up in my mind is that as a proverb goes, every coin has two sizes, every theories and results of experiments demonstrated by scientists own both active impacts and the negative ones, which scientists should understand. Take a report written by one scientist of medicine in my country for an instance, it is the report that warns people that drinking milk everyday do harm our health for several reasons. As a result, after couple of weeks, the sales of the native milk dramatically fell down. Worse, piles of companies manufacturing milk endured a terrible lose, ending up with bankruptcy. Therefore the report harmed the milk industry, and the whole economy was influenced badly. Without the understanding of the negative effects caused by the report, the scientist should be responsible for he fail to check the effects of his report before publication.

To back up my point of views, it is another relevant factor that negative effects may be indiscernible until someday we unfold the secrets of their influence. The responsibilities of the scientists are not only consist working out theories, devising new appliances, and searching the relationship between reality and practices, but also include enlighten people that applying some justified theories may impact negatively on us in the future. As is known, the inventor of the plastic bags finally suicide, due to his ignorance of the dreadful effects to the environment for hundreds decades. We always can hardly recognize the negative impacts of scientist's founding, because the unpleasant effects are always invisible, which need to be declared by scientists.

Adding further credibility to my argument is that though someone insists that sometimes the scientists fail to control the negative impacts due to people's wrong-doing applying the theories recklessly, some negative effects could be avoided if scientists offer their suggestions before people take the "dangerous" theory into practice.

In summary, I believe some scientists should be blamed when the unpleasant results causing by their discoveries make people suffered.

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